This weekend I posted a quote: "Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."
The very next day I heard of the passing of a client. It breaks my heart to hear that the disease of addiction took another.
If only…… If only she continued with her coaching sessions, if only she continued with the fellowship, if only she believed in herself enough to fight, if only…….
My very own mother was too proud to ask for help. Too shameful to admit she needed help. At 38 years old, she died. She could no longer bear the agony of her life.
Today I accept that some of us will die and those of us who survive are the lucky ones.
I pray for those who still suffer alone with the disease of addiction and I pray they can find just a moment of clarity to reach out and ask for help.
To be strong enough to stand up for themselves and know that they matter, humble enough to know they need help and courageous enough to ask.