I'm done hiding, being silenced and told I'm breaking rules.
No more hiding no more silence and let me be clear, I've never broken any rules.
This has been stirring in me for years. I'm done. I'm out!
All weekend I have been writing, seeking, moving in meditation for more truth.
Then this morning this arrived -
"Your truth will bring out the worst in others. Your love will tingle what they've numbed. Your authenticity will provoke closed minds. Your gratitude will irritate trolls. Your success will attract haters. Your empowerment will create enemies. Your uniqueness will antagonize fear. Your courage will attract cowards. Your sexuality will freak people out. Your joy will tug at their trauma. Your compassion will unmask envy. And love, that's what it's meant to do. Your aliveness will reveal many mental prisons, but help to set even more minds free." Thank you @tanyamarkul for writing this powerful piece.
This is why I do what I do. The people I partner with want freedom and freedom of choice. They want more. They want healing on all levels.
I am a woman in long term recovery from an unhealthy relationship with alcohol - alcoholism - alcohol use disorder. Call it what you like.
I am no longer haunted by shame, guilt and remorse. I have done deep self work for the last 17 years and I continue to move deeper into my Ishtara work for more freedom. More healing and more understanding of myself.
I'm here to help. To partner. To mentor. To walk with those wanting a different life - a life of freedom and choice. I’m here to catch those falling through the cracks. For a various of reasons, some people are not comfortable with the regular recovery modalities, partnership in a coaching engagement works beautifully. No has to fall through the cracks.
I’m a life coach, a sober coach, a recovery coach, a professional coach, a teacher, a mentor and a partner.
No one will stop me. I'm out!
This is my calling. No more "pussy- footing" around. This is a part of who I am and if that makes you uncomfortable, I'd love to help you release and rewire that pattern. If its showing up with me, its showing up in all kinds of other places in your life.
If you are struggling with your relationship with alcohol and want to talk about that, let’s do that. Let’s meet and talk about what you want and what I can offer. Complimentary meeting, no obligations - just two people discussing their relationship with alcohol.
I'm here for you.