
A Horror Story

Living in addiction was A Horror Story!

The darkness, isolation, hiding, sneaking, and constant fear.  Constant trembling skeleton, shaking sweaty hands, heart fluttering, jumpiness and profuse entire body sweats. Days of living in this state until I could drink again, to escape the horrors of my life.  The traumas, problems and situations I knew no other way to deal with or handle.  The issues that were too big I didn't know any other way to cope, so I hid in bottle after bottle of alcohol.

I lied for alcohol.  I hid alcohol.  I justified alcohol.  I made excuse after excuse for alcohol.  I down played my relationship with alcohol.  I wore so many masks to keep my secret of alcohol.....scary images of my life flashed before my eyes.  My relationship with alcohol was digging my grave and death was creeping closer and closer.

I escaped the alcoholic death! 

I learned how to deal with the traumas, problems, and situations using recovery tools.

Today in recovery, I live an Adventure Story, a Comedy Story and a Love Story!

How badly do you want to change your Story?

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