Coach with Nicole

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Being Ignored

Do you spend too much energy trying to make others comfortable and feel included that you leave yourself feeling strange and awkward in the process? What if we decided to make ourselves comfortable? What if we listened to our instincts? What if we held boundaries?

Well I decided to make myself comfortable and some have not appreciated the boundaries. Actually they were ignored! Yes, Ignored. I was ignored. My wishes ignored. My feelings ignored. When they finally tired of bumping up against my boundaries, I was blamed, yelled at and stomped on. People act out when they’ve crossed a line.

Today I am mindful of my environment. Who influences me and speaks into my life? Who inspires me? Who I choose to spend time with. Life is too short to people please and worry about whether others are uncomfortable, its non of my business. I’m my business!

I’m so grateful for this lesson. I’m free to spend time with my fantastic family. Creating new relationships. Nurturing and going deep in my relationship with my best friend. I’m so clear about honoring boundaries. I’m so clear about living into my values. I’m so clear about what healthy relationships look like.

Are you being ignored? Aren’t you tired of it? What are you ready to do about it?