Do you believe in signs and symbols?
Do you believe in signs and symbols? Things like 11:11 on a clock, finding feathers, a penny on the sidewalk, or visits from your favorite birds . Many people believe in these sightings and find great comfort in them. Some even take the sign as a true and direct message and meaning to heart.
Since the beginning of April, I have received some really strong signs and symbols. Of late, I’ve received the same inspirational cards. Last week I received “Your Path” card twice. The card encourages the reader that there is a Plan far beyond what we can see through fears and illusions. Then yesterday I received “Surrender” and today I received “Change” for the second time within this two week period. This card encourages the reader to witness when the ego sees the utter madness of trying to control everything, when this happens, we can move to a crossroad and accept the change.
This is where I am. An amazing opportunity has presented itself. I’m so excited and somewhat surprised that fear isn’t totally paralyzing me. I have to admit that I’ve had periods of sleepless nights and waves of fear, but not like I’ve experienced in the past.
I am believing this Plan that’s on My Path is the direction I’m suppose to take. I will accept this Change. I will Surrender every day. Even a little “fear of loss” has shown up. If I don’t act and accept, I may miss an amazing opportunity. So I’m going to jump in and do this! I am taking a leap of faith!
What’s happening for you? Are you aware of the signs and symbols?
Do you have opportunities at your feet, but paralyzed and frozen in fear?
Will you jump in? Take a leap of faith?